Wellington City Library | Absolutely Positively Wellington City Council

Terms and Conditions

Procedures for Unauthorised usage: Report immediately any unauthorised usage to Wellington City Libraries Online Payments during the business hours of 9:00am - 6.00pm, Monday through Friday. Alternatively, you may suspend activity to your WCL Online Payments Account through this website. You are responsible for all usage of your account prior to proper notification to Wellington City Libraries or suspending your payments account online.

Documentation of Activity: A receipt will be displayed at the time of activity, and summary and detailed statements are also available for viewing online.

Error Resolution Procedures: If you feel a charge has been transacted on your Wellington City Libraries' Online Payments Account which you did not authorise, you must notify us as soon as the non-authorised transaction is discovered. Please Include information on the date and amount of the transaction, as well as any other information you feel is necessary to help the staff investigate the claim.

Email notifications are sent out for payments results, as well as transaction summaries. If you prefer, visit "Change Your Settings" to turn them off, or change to weekly or monthly statements. You can also update your email address, and update your details as necessary.